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Virginia's Heartland
Regional Emergency Planning
Regional Emergency Planning

CRC’s Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) is working on an update of the CRC’s Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan will cover all seven (7) counties in Planning District 14. The project is being funded by a FEMA grant through the Building Resilient Infrastructure in Communities (formerly known as Pre-Disaster Mitigation) program, with all seven counties and the Town of Farmville providing in-kind (staff hours) as a match for the grant. As part of the process, FEMA requests that the draft plan be made available for public review and comment. Please submit comments by email to Todd Fortune at by Wednesday, October 26, 2022. To review the draft section of the plan, please click on the link below.

DRAFT CRC’s Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Regional Emergency Planning for Election Security

The Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) was awarded two SHSP grants in 2020 to fund emergency planning activities. The first grant funded multiple planning activities: development of a Regional Resource Inventory, GIS mapping assistance for localities, coordinating and facilitating a training class for managing volunteers, development of  a Regional Continuity of Operations Plan, and creation of a Regional PPE Stockpile Plan. This grant has been completed. The second grant is to assist local registrars with election security improvements as identified in Virginia House Bill (HB) 2178.