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Virginia's Heartland
The 2020 United States Census


The United States Census consists of a series of data that is collected once every ten years. The most recent Census was collected in 2020. This data set  is used by the federal government to determine funding needs based on population data for each area and districting determination for the House of Representatives. Planning Commissions, like the CRC, also uses this data to better understand the social, economic, and demographic conditions in their region. This allows for planners to better understand the needs of the locality and be able to assist them with projects. Planners also use this data to include in a Regional, County, or Town Comprehensive Plans. This information can be used in strategic planning efforts.

Up-Dated Data Information

The Census Bureau is still working on providing information from the 2020 Census. The Bureau will continue to publish information such as the Demographic and Housing Characteristics data in later years. For further updated information about the 2020 Census Data release dates visit the link below:

Census Data and Analysis Resources

In the latest release of the 2020 US Census data, the Bureau also released data visualizations tools, American Counts Stories, and even videos to allow for users to better understand the data analysis. Click on the links in orange above to access these tools.

Population Data for the Region

The Commonwealth Regional Council serves seven counties in the region. These counties include: Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. According the 2020 Census, the population for the CRC region is 100,720. The table below includes the population data for each county in the region. The Census Bureau also provides an interactive data map on demographic data sets for users to see. Below are the links to data visualization tool, Tableau, on each county in the region for the 2020 Census. Please click on the county’s name in orange to view this data.

County 2020 Census Data
Charlotte 11,529
Amelia 13,265
Buckingham  16,824
Cumberland 9,675
Lunenburg 11,936
Nottoway 15,642
Prince Edward 21,849
CRC Region Total Population 100,720

Privacy Protection

The United States Census Bureau uses the technique of Differential Privacy to protect the privacy of an individual’s Census data. The Differential Privacy method adds random data or ‘noise’ to the Census count for each geographic area to help prevent identification of individuals. The ‘noise’ added is different from techniques used in the past, because it will more noise to the census then the Disclosure Avoidance System (DAS). The Northern Virginia Regional Commission released an article on this. Click on the link to view.